Monday, May 6, 2024

Example of Play: Tomb of the Serpent King using Pyrrhic Weaselry

Quite a mouthful.

I've been playing through Skerple's module Tomb of the Serpent Kings on Sunday nights via live text chat, meaning that we have a set game time and duration but don't use cameras or mics. It's a fun way to play and very different from the traditional methods. Weird Writer has written recently about it here.

 During the third session, the two PCs Skinny Samir and Saturnus, descended some trapped steps before coming across a living statue which they managed to defeat with their wits and daring. Though it goes on for a while, I thought the segment was really fun and illustrative of the game we were playing and how simple games with simple rules for adjudication can create complex situations and outcomes. And Jacey did a great job handling our hijinks.

We're using a game called Pyrrhic Weaselry which is by the blogger Ms. Screwhead of Was It Likely? It's incredibly interesting and probably very unlike anything you've played. I highly recommend looking into it, even if we have made a small house rule about focus gain. But the specifics aren't important to understand this example, just know that when someone states a hostile intent, the GM determines the level of danger, and then the target can either roll to avoid the stated intent or present a compromise dependent on the fictional positioning. Actions in general don't require rolling but avoiding danger can involve rolling if the most obvious result (decided by the GM) is undesireable.

I've lightly edited the text from the original but this is 99% the same. People are bolded and stated actions are italicized. It looks like a very long post but it's mostly short sentences so it reads quickly.

Stone Golem by joeshawcross

I'm playing Skinny Samir. (Character Sheet)

Havoc is playing Saturnus.

Jacey is the GM.
Avrae is a dicebot.


The stairs stretch downward to the East. The steps are made of stone bricks.

At the edge of your lantern light, you can see ovular holes in the floor at the bottom of the stairs.

Oval-shaped, I mean

Skinny Samir (dgb)

They stop immediately

Saturnus (Havoc)

Saturnus checks the steps before going down, seeing if there's anyone that looks particularly out of place.

we should also poke them with the polearms to be sure


All of the steps show a seam where they meet the wall. The step third from the top has some scratches on the wall adjacent to the tread of the step.

Saturnus (Havoc)

Saturnus pokes that step with the polearm.


Where is Saturnus standing?

Skinny Samir (dgb)

Before we continue

How far would it be to leap past the ovals


The stairway is some 50 feet long, and the ovals are in a three-foot-wide strip at the bottom.

Skinny Samir (dgb)

And you said that there are scratches on the third step from the end? Like at the bottom?


Third step from the top.

Saturnus (Havoc)

Saturnus is at the very top of the stairs but not on them, probably holding onto Samir while he anchors himself somewhere safe, I think the polearm is long enough to reach there?


Yes, I think so.

Skinny Samir (dgb)

Of it we can reach this third step without even being on the stairs, let's do that.


The polearm presses on the third step, and it is loose, rotating forward under the pressure.

Do you want to put more force on the step?

Saturnus (Havoc)

hell yeah, i think i can see where this is going


As Saturnus continues to press the loose step, all of the steps rotate forward, forming a steep ramp. At the same time, metal spikes protrude from the oval holes at the bottom of the stairs, angled to skewer anyone tumbling down the ramp.

Saturnus (Havoc)

yuuuuup, very Indiana Jones

Skinny Samir (dgb)

"Let it reset and let's head down the stairs carefully looking for other unsafe steps."

Saturnus (Havoc)

"That's very useful. Let's go." Said he and the two went down the stairs while avoiding that step and also making sure that there were no other loose steps on the way.


The steps remain as a ramp for some time.

But eventually, they all lever back into the stairway configuration.

The spikes also retract.

Samir and Saturnus find no more loose steps as they traverse the stairs.

The stairway opens into an octagonal chamber, roughly the same size as the one above. The stone-brick walls are lined with shields displaying a myriad of different symbols, colors, and shapes. In the center of the room is a massive stone statue of a snake man in carved armor. In one hand is a real sword, and the other hand is empty.

The far wall of the chamber opens into a larger area, though the details are lost in the darkness.

Saturnus (Havoc)

how's the condition of the sword?


It is dented, but big enough that a human-sized person would need to wield it in two hands.

Saturnus (Havoc)

but like, is it rusted?



Saturnus (Havoc)


I KNEW it, there was bound to be a living statue


I called it a snake-person statue, but it only has a snake head. It has the torso and legs of a humanoid.

Saturnus (Havoc)

"That sword isn't rusted and it's wearing armour, that's a first. Plus, the shields are very martial. And it's stone instead of clay." He points out to Samir. "If it comes alive, we're bolting upstairs and letting it fall on the pit."

Skinny Samir (dgb)

"Or it could just be a magic sword."

Samir takes out his rope and forms it into a lasso.

"You ready to run?"

Saturnus (Havoc)

Saturnus nods his head, readying his rifle and already climbing some steps to give Samir room in case he needs to run.

 Skinny Samir (dgb)

Samir tosses the lasso around the sword from near the stairs. He gives it some tugs to see if he can dislodge the weapon, but nothing too aggressive, he doesn't want to cut the rope after all.


The eyes of the statue open, revealing snake pupils. The statue shifts its posture.

Skinny Samir (dgb)

The two book it up the stairs

Saturnus (Havoc)

Saturnus makes a lot of noise to make sure the statue follows. "HEY, HEY DUMBASS WE'RE GETTING YOUR SWORD"


Are you dropping the rope?

Skinny Samir (dgb)

If the tugs didn't dislodge the sword, yes


The tugs did not dislodge the sword.

Thudding steps echo up the stairs, then stop. Looking down, the statue is too big to fit into the stairway.

Skinny Samir (dgb)


Saturnus (Havoc)

dang it

can our polearms reach it without it reaching us?

though I don't think they can even wound this thing, it's stone


With how big the sword is, probably not.

Saturnus (Havoc)

"A clumsy shot but let's see." Saturnus arms the bipod on a lower step and tries to aim down the sights, shooting the thing as close to the head as he can to see if a bullet can wound it.



Saturnus (Havoc)

I genuinely don't know if a bullet from this kind of gun would be enough tbh

something tells me no because they used cannons for that after all

Skinny Samir (dgb)

When the statue stops at the bottom, is it standing on the spike holes?


Bang! Smoke and fire shoot from the barrel of the rifle, followed a split second later by the sound of cracking stone.

Through the haze, Saturnus can see that the bullet aimed at the neck of the thing has instead been intercepted by the empty left hand. The bullet cracked off one of the fingers.

Compromise hindering wound to a glancing wound.

The statue backs away from the entrance, out of sight from the top of the stairs.

Saturnus (Havoc)

do we see the rope going away too?



Saturnus (Havoc)

it's probably backing away to the original position then

Skinny Samir (dgb)

We wait a few moments after the sounds end, then creep down the stairs.

Saturnus (Havoc)

also, is it?


It was.

Saturnus (Havoc)

Saturnus follows the tip of the rope down the stairs, if it's resetting the rope will be where Samir threw it, and looks inside the room to see if the statue is still animated.


The rope trails back to the spot where Samir threw it. The statue has returned to the center of the room, but its eyes are still open.

The statue squats, then leaps forward, landing next to the stairway. The force of the landing would knock both Samir and Saturnus prone.

It has a combo move to close the distance and impose a disadvantage as one intent.

Skinny Samir (dgb)

Samir (who is swift) scrambles backward up the stairs until he's at least 15' from the bottom.

On his hands and knees if necessary.

 Saturnus (Havoc)

He landed next to the stairway on top of where the spikes would have been?


Yes. But both Samir and Saturnus are near the bottom of the stairs.

I am unsure if Samir can flee in response to this. You need to offer a compromise or roll to avoid danger.

Skinny Samir (dgb)

I'll concede that it throws me off balance but there are nearby walls to each side, I lean against it and put myself in position to race back up the stairs. Not a huge distance since I’m off balance, but I’m also swift. That would be my next intent.



Saturnus, what do you do?

Saturnus (Havoc)

I'm also scrambling, but I'm behind him and am definitely not faster

so probably let him pass me and then run after Samir


OK. The statue is on top of the spike holes. Samir can reach the trigger step while Saturnus is still on the steps.

Skinny Samir (dgb)

I'm only going to hit the step if we're both off the stairs.


But to get both of you clear from the steps will give the statue time to respond.

Saturnus (Havoc)

...well idk, how powerful do those spikes look?

because if I roll down and land on top of the statue, that's not too much of an issue, provided it's dead

also, I can try to prevent myself from falling by jamming the polearm on the walls

Skinny Samir (dgb)

Your funeral

Samir clears the stairs and hits the third step


Clunk. The stairs rotate forward, turning into a ramp. Spikes shoot from the holes, colliding with the statue.

This would be an incapacitating wound to the statue.

Not sure how to compromise though, so I guess I will roll.

Avrae — 04/21/2024 8:43 PM

@Jacey  :game_die:

Result: 2d6 (1, 5)

Total: 6

Saturnus (Havoc)



The statue fails to dodge out of the way, and the spikes drive into its stone legs, shattering the left ankle.

Saturnus begins to slide down the ramp.

Saturnus (Havoc)

the bastard is still alive and well?


It is still moving.

Skinny Samir (dgb)

How atop the spikes is it?


Very much so. Saturnus isn't in danger from the spikes, but he is in danger from the statue.

Saturnus (Havoc)

Saturnus tries jamming the polearm on the walls of the stairs to prevent himself from sliding further, as well as trying to hook his feet on the opposite walls.


The walls are ten feet apart, so your legs won't reach.

Skinny Samir (dgb)

Barrel into it, I bet it has trouble standing itself up

Saturnus (Havoc)

that's my plan B


I am not sure the polearm is enough to stop you. Do you want to make a compromise, or roll to see if the polearm is enough?

Saturnus (Havoc)

If I roll and fail, can I let go and try to barrel into it on my way down?


No, but you can choose to barrel into it and try to knock it off balance.

Saturnus (Havoc)

I'll do that then, leeroy jenkins this mf


So you are trying to knock it over, which makes sense with its current position.

It is going to compromise, accepting that you knock it over, but making sure its sword arm is free.

Saturnus (Havoc)

I get the impression in this system that being on the receiving end is always more disadvantageous



Saturnus (Havoc)

so being a bit more gung-ho is pretty good

Skinny Samir (dgb)

Are the spikes still a danger at the bottom of the ramp if I were to slide down it?


Now I would say they are a danger. Saturnus can walk around them, but sliding down would get you skewered.

Skinny Samir (dgb)

"Good luck," Samir stage whispers down the ramp.

If he can reach it, he tries to tug the third step back up, see if he can reset the trap sooner.


The polearm doesn't have a hook, and scratching at the surface of the third step does nothing.

Saturnus (Havoc)

So, I blasted the bastard, and fell on top of it, it fell but the sword arm is free



Saturnus (Havoc)

am I on top of it or did I roll from the top of it?


I think you are on top of it.

Saturnus (Havoc)

if I run, it would try to swipe at me and I'd have to offer a compromise or roll yeah?


It is going to get a chance to act first, before you can try to run.

Saturnus (Havoc)

ah i see

Saturnus (Havoc)

what i wanted to do to him


The arm of the stone statue swings over Saturnus, squeezing him against the torso.

It is grappling you.

You can offer a compromise, or roll to avoid danger.

Saturnus (Havoc)

Is dropping the polearm and/or the rifle but keeping my arms free to be able to get something in my bag a good enough compromise?



Saturnus (Havoc)

cuz i never reloaded the rifle

i do that then, and to follow it up

Saturnus (Havoc)

Saturnus, with his arms free, reaches into the bag and picks up the serpent god icon, putting it to the face of the statue in a mad gamble, while also showing the snake pendant.

Skinny Samir (dgb)

Samir, thinking quickly, runs back to the nearby room with the scroll shelves, sets one on its side at the top of the stairs, and gives it a shove to slide it down the ramp.


What will happen when the stone statue is shown holy symbols of the Serpent Kings? Will Saturnus escape the grasp of the statue? Will Samir get back into the fight? Find out these things and more in Session Four: The Stone Cobra Guardian!

Saturnus (Havoc)



amazing cliffhanger

Skinny Samir (dgb)


We need another player to make a dynamic entry at the bottom of the steps.

Saturnus (Havoc)

a looming shadowy figure appearing behind the guardian

Skinny Samir (dgb)

Shit you have stone-working tools

Saturnus (Havoc)

I do, if it doesn't work I'm chiseling his face off

provided I’m still alive

And we ran out of time. The one disadvantage of primarily text-based interaction is it's pretty slow. We picked up where we left off one week later.

Catacombs of the Ghul King by WillOBrien


We left off with Saturnus in the arms of the Stone Cobra Guardian, trying desperately to sway it by displaying the religious objects of the Snake Folk.  Samir was at the top of the stairs-turned-ramp, and had sent a shelf from a nearby room sliding down it into the spike trap.

Before we get started, I want both of you to mark 1 favor on your Adventure motif, for using a trap to your advantage.

(I don't consider Samir's notes on the canopic jars to be important enough to qualify.)

Saturnus (Havoc)



Saturnus is hugged against the statue, holding up the icon and pendant.

The statue is going to respond by taking the icon from Saturnus in its free hand. Simultaneously, it drops Saturnus.

The scroll shelf Samir sent down the ramp is blocking the spikes.

Saturnus (Havoc)

does it still look aggressive?


Its stone face is unexpressive.

Skinny Samir (dgb)

Samir slides down the ramp.


Samir arrives at the bottom of the ramp, and braces himself against the shelf. He is in no danger from the spikes.

Saturnus (Havoc)

Saturnus gets up from the ground and bolts it to the east, taking some safe distance to check back at the toppled statue to see how it's reacting and if it's still pursuing.


To the East, the chamber opens up onto a chasm. A five-foot-wide ledge leads south into the darkness.

The statue stands up, somewhat off balance due to standing on its left stump.

Saturnus (Havoc)

where is it going?


It hasn't started going. It just stood up.

It is facing Saturnus

Saturnus (Havoc)

is the passage to the east big enough for it to pass?


The opening to the chasm is over 20ft wide.

Skinny Samir (dgb)

Samir gets to his feet but waits to see if the statue acts.


And 12 feet tall.

Saturnus (Havoc)

Can it still do that thing where it quickly closes a gap? like, even with the legs all busted up?


Probably not.

Saturnus (Havoc)

Saturnus retreats a bit more to be sure, up to the eastern entrance, and waits to see what the statue will do, trying to make his body language look the least menacing he can manage.

Skinny Samir (dgb)

Samir cautiously circles around it to get over to Saturnus


The statue, holding the icon in the crook of its left arm, begins to hobble towards Saturnus and Samir, sword raised.

Skinny Samir (dgb)

"Shoot it."


Saturnus dropped his gun.

Saturnus (Havoc)

I dropped my damn gun

Wait, can Samir take it on the way?

he would have seen it there

Skinny Samir (dgb)

Oh damn didn't realize


Sure. But the statue is going to close on you if you take the time to reload it.

It is a muzzleloader, and the process is involved.

Saturnus (Havoc)

close enough to hit?


Close enough to hit.

Skinny Samir (dgb)

Samir twists his axe around so that the bludgeon's head is forward and lunges forward to strike at its injured legs


Only the left leg is injured. The foot is broken off, and the statue is putting its weight on the remaining stump.

Saturnus (Havoc)

“Yes get the other leg.”

Skinny Samir (dgb)

Then I'll aim at the right leg


Hmm. The stone isn't particularly brittle, so I think this would just be a hindering wound.

It is going to try to push past your strike.

Avrae — Today at 6:23 PM

@Jacey  :game_die:

Result: 2d6 (2, 1)

Total: 3

It fails, the axe blow leaves a notable crack in the right shin.

Saturnus, do you want to act before the statue?

Saturnus (Havoc)

It's still coming at me, right?


It seems to have turned its attention towards Samir.

Saturnus (Havoc)

Saturnus retreats a bit more, noticing that Samir caught its attention, then runs at full speed to jump on top of it and try to make it topple to the ground.

it's not quite a tackle, more like trying to grab the top and unbalance it


The statue drops to its knees, rather than falling backwards.

Even on its knees, it is taller than the two men.

Skinny Samir (dgb)

"Go get your gun while it struggles to move."

Saturnus (Havoc)

Saturnus agrees and runs to get the gun and load it. "Keep its attention while I load!"


The statue raises its sword and swings it at Samir's left shoulder

Considering your armor, this blow would be hindering. Do you want to compromise, or roll?

Skinny Samir (dgb)

(Compromise) Samir, knowing that on its knees its reach is very limited, hurls himself backward (falling prone to turn it into merely a disadvantage?)


Yeah, I think that is worth a better-than-normal compromise.

Samir, do you want to take an action? Saturnus is still loading his gun.

Skinny Samir (dgb)

Samir scrambles to his feet and watches the monster. If it turns to Saturnus he'll charge, but if it’s still focused on him, he'll back up to lead it away.


Standing up is a single intention. The statue is going to do the same.

Saturnus, your gun is loaded.

Saturnus (Havoc)

just to get a general image of how messed up it is: it's left leg is just a stump, the right has been cracked, and one hand was nicked by a bullet?


Its left hand had a finger blown off.

Saturnus (Havoc)

Saturnus puts the bipod, arms the gun directly, then whistles loudly to call its attention. Once it turns to look, Saturnus puts a bullet right in its face, trying to deform it enough to make it blind.


If the bullet were to hit it in the eyes, it would be an incapacitating wound. Instead, it will drop its sword and cover its face with its right hand, which blooms in spidery cracks around the impact site.

Saturnus (Havoc)

“Grab it Samir!!”

Skinny Samir (dgb)

As soon as it turns to block the bullet, Samir charges with a big overhand swing at the back of its head


I don't think Samir can reach its head.

It is tall.

Skinny Samir (dgb)

Then he goes after the right leg again.


Considering the hindering wound it already suffered, this would be an incapacitating wound to break the right leg off.

It is going to try to avoid your blow by stepping forward.

Avrae — Today at 6:45 PM

@Jacey  :game_die:

Result: 2d6 (2, 2)

Total: 4

It is unsuccessful, and its momentum carries it face-first to the ground.

Saturnus, do you want to act next?

Skinny Samir (dgb)

"Finish it, Saturnus."

Saturnus (Havoc)

Saturnus sees the statue falling down and starts reloading.


The icon cradled protectively in its left arm, and the statue crawls towards Saturnus.

Skinny Samir (dgb)

How quickly can it manage that? Is he going to have time to reload?


It will get to him right as he finishes reloading.

Saturnus (Havoc)

so I can finish reloading and shoot it in the face?

or will it get a chance to hit me


Samir gets a chance to go first, then Saturnus, then the Statue.

So if you finish it off, it won't get the chance to hit you.

Skinny Samir (dgb)

Not good enough.

While it has been mostly struggling to move, have we gotten a chance to notice anything that might be animating it? Magic crystals, inscribed words of God, etc?

Samir is a little unsure what "dead" looks like for a being that isn't living

Or are we just going to have to smash it into enough pieces that it can't threaten us anymore?


It is unclear what is animating it. Nothing like what you mentioned.

Skinny Samir (dgb)

Samir is going to run up its back and smash the back of its head

 Saturnus (Havoc)

As he finishes loading, Saturnus aims low to make sure it doesn't hit Samir and shoots the statue in the face.


Going to resolve Samir's action first.

This direct blow Samir is attempting would shatter the head. It is going to try to twist its body to throw off Samir's aim.

Avrae — Today at 6:57 PM

@Jacey  :game_die:

Result: 2d6 (4, 3)

Total: 7

It does not succeed.

Samir's axe blow to the back of the head causes it to shatter, and the statue ceases to move.

Saturnus (Havoc)

in that case, i don't shoot

Skinny Samir (dgb)

Fucking awesome.

I'm never running standard D&D combat again

Samir sits down on the back of the stone man, pulls out his pipe, and lights it up.

"You alright?"

Saturnus (Havoc)

it is pretty cool, way cooler than "I activate my once-a-day ability, do I hit?"

Saturnus coughs a bit, then coughs a bit more because of all the running. Once he can wave the smoke of his gun away he spits on the ground and nods weakly. "I've been better."

He goes to the hand of the statue that held the god-icon and sees if he can pry it open. "Interesting how protective it was of this. You'd think that a mindless sentry wouldn't have recognized it, but not only did it recognize it, it also wanted to protect it."

Skinny Samir (dgb)

"Did we really make it out of that unscathed?"

Saturnus (Havoc)

"If I had a gold coin for every time I asked myself that same question..."

Golem Fight by YasenStoilov

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